Author: joey

  • How to Get Rid of Voles in Garden

    How to Get Rid of Voles in Garden

    Vole damage can be easily identified by its telltale “runways.” They leave visible chewed marks on stems and exposed roots, keeping your plants from reaching their full potential. For optimal rodent-proofing of your yard, remove brush piles and maintain regular mowing and snow removal; avoid dense mulch; protect young trees by covering their lower trunks…

  • How Do You Grow a Potato Plant?

    How Do You Grow a Potato Plant?

    Potato plants thrive best when planted in rows, in full-sun locations that receive at least six hours of daily sunlight. When selecting your plot location, remember this when planting potatoes in rows. Start with certified disease-free seed potatoes from home improvement, farm, or garden centers. Or grow them in containers using commercial potting soil. Preparation…

  • How to Make Clematis Bloom All Summer

    How to Make Clematis Bloom All Summer

    Clematis plants can live for decades with proper care, but they require firm hands to reach their full blooming potential. Planting them correctly and providing ideal growing conditions are all equally essential. To keep clematis blooming throughout summer, they must be correctly planted, pruned, fertilized, and watered. Follow these simple guidelines to guarantee an eye-catching…

  • Top Reasons to Plant Vegetables and Start Your Own Garden

    Top Reasons to Plant Vegetables and Start Your Own Garden

    Save money by Starting Your Own Garden Save money! Needless to say, we can all “save” some extra dollars during these trying times. Planting your own veggies is a great way to do it. Research shows that for every $1 spent on seeds, garden tools, and time, you can get almost $2 back on fresh…

  • Organic Vegetables are Healthier

    Organic Vegetables are Healthier

    Organic produce is healthier Organic food is often fresher than conventional food, especially if you’re gardening at home, shopping at your local farmers market or food stand. If you like fresh flavors, organic food may provide the best cooking and dining experience. Organic vegetables and fruits guarantee high quality because they are grown using natural…

  • How to Start a Vegetable Garden at Home

    How to Start a Vegetable Garden at Home

    Prepare your garden area Prepare the soil for planting, sprinkle with any necessary amendments, such as compost, and work them into the soil with a tiller or shovel. Avoid stepping on freshly plowed soil, or you’ll compact it and lose it. Then rake the surface and water thoroughly. Let the bed sit for a few…

  • When I Started My First Garden in 2019

    When I Started My First Garden in 2019

    It was a warm summer day in 2019 when I decided to start my first vegetable garden. I had always been interested in gardening, but I had never taken the time to actually start one. I began by choosing a sunny spot in my backyard and clearing the area of any weeds or debris. Then,…

  • Benefits of Having Your Own Garden During Food Shortages

    Benefits of Having Your Own Garden During Food Shortages

    The idea of facing a food shortage may seem far-fetched to some, but the truth is that it is a very real possibility. Climate change, economic instability, and political tensions are just a few of the factors that can disrupt our food supply and make it difficult for us to access the food we need.…

  • Step By Step Instructions on How to Plant Tomato Seeds

    Step By Step Instructions on How to Plant Tomato Seeds

    Growing tomatoes from seeds is a rewarding and enjoyable process that can produce a bountiful harvest. With the right care and attention, you can easily grow your own tomato plants from seeds and enjoy the delicious fruit they produce. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to plant tomato seeds and grow them into healthy…

  • Starting Your Own Garden In Case of Possible Food Shortages in 2023

    Starting Your Own Garden In Case of Possible Food Shortages in 2023

    As we approach the year 2023, one of the biggest challenges we will likely face is a shortage of food. This problem is the result of a combination of factors, including population growth, climate change, and the increasing demand for food from a growing global middle class. One of the main reasons for the anticipated…